03. Kaulah Harapan - Sari Simonangkir

Friday, 18 January 2008


Blackout today.
Kinda scary.. especially since I have not really started exerting myself this year.
I figure it is the long day + lack of sleep yesterday.

Woke up at 6.30 am to jog - when I was through, I thought my brain would explode because of the lack of oxygen.
Had night class, and thereafter attended a funeral wake.
By the time I reached home, it was almost 1 am. Argggh..

Yea.. So the blackout.
Felt numb in the body and stuffy in the chest.
A tightness of the brain.
A splitting headache.
Thank God i found a seat in time to rest the body.

I think I could finally empathize with Sun Wu Kong.
Maybe it is the hat that I wore for that split second this afternoon.
Did someone put the "jin gu" in the hat!!!???

Stop chanting! =p

Friday, 11 January 2008

Siap menerima dariMu

Mungkin hatiku sudah menjadi begitu tinggi, sehingga saya sudah lama tidak mendapat berkah wahyuNya di waktu cellgroup atau saat fellowship..

Selidiki aku, lihat hatiku, Tuhan..
Maafkanlah Tuhan, atas ketinggian hatiku.

Tahun yang baru,
saya siap menerima dariMu sekali lagi.

"Never let your memories be greater than your dream."
What a way to start.

I'm ready to RECEIVE.
More wisdom & a greater anointing.